
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers


Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Our Vacation to Gulf Shores

In June we drove down to Gulf Shores, AL with
Jim's sister Jackie and her family; hubby Steve, daughter Brittney
and her friend Brittney. It took about 11 hours.
Alyssa did very well on the drive down. She slept most of the time.

Alyssa wasn't a huge fan of the ocean. She'd stand close, but
as soon as the water came up to her, she'd turn and run!

Daddy tried very hard to get Alyssa into the water:
The beach was gorgeous and the water was beautiful. Most
mornings we'd even see dolphins swimming.
We weren't able to get pictures of them though.

Here's a horseshoe crab we found:

Alyssa wasn't too interested in building sand castles. She
sure did like digging ponds and filling them with water though!
Then the water would come rushing up and
crash our pond!!

Alyssa loved the swimming pool. She'd wear her life jacket and
then swim around like a fish. She even got brave enough
to stand on the side of the pool and jump in to us.

The pool definitely wore the girl out!

Here's our happy family:
Dad, Alyssa, Mom and baby on the way!

Here's all of us:
It was a fabulous vacation! I can't wait till next year!

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