
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers


Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Alyssa loves to change her clothes...

This child would wear anything if we let her!
However she is a BIG helper!

and cleans up her messes...

Smiles from Brady

I've been capturing some smiles from Brady
on my phone. He is just too cute!

Alyssa at soccer

We enrolled Alyssa in soccer again. Luckily it's
not a parent & me program this time.
She's kind of a shrimp...
They start with stretching:
She runs pretty quickly, but makes time
to smile at the camera.
Or she may just stop to watch others run:
And they do drills with the soccer ball. Not quite
sure what this is supposed to teach them:

Friday, November 21, 2008

New Pics of Alyssa

Alyssa found a furry friend and brought it inside
to show me...

She thought he was quite cute and named
him "Frekkie". (not sure where she got that from)
For Halloween she was the cutest kitty cat and gave
us a few poses:

Even with some attitude!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

New pictures!!

Just adorable!!!

This is how Brady was sleeping right after we came home from the
hospital. Cute, sweet and calm. After about a week, the spit up was constant
and the arms went flying. So now Brady sleeps in a swing all swaddled up each night.

Brady was baptized on 11/2. As you can see, he was not thrilled
with the experience! Granted, the water was not as warm as
it was supposed to be.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Baby Brady

Alyssa loves her baby brother!

A crazy nurse thought Brady needed a mohawk!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Our beautiful family/

Alyssa is a wonderful big sister and is very much enjoying Brady as you can tell. We are very blessed having such a wonderful family.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Mom & Brady

Brady really loves his mom!

Posted by ShoZu

Brady Michael

Posted by ShoZu

Brady was born on 9/19 at 12:26pm. He weighed 7lbs 1 oz and was 19in long. We welcome our beautiful baby boy!!!!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Our Vacation to Gulf Shores

In June we drove down to Gulf Shores, AL with
Jim's sister Jackie and her family; hubby Steve, daughter Brittney
and her friend Brittney. It took about 11 hours.
Alyssa did very well on the drive down. She slept most of the time.

Alyssa wasn't a huge fan of the ocean. She'd stand close, but
as soon as the water came up to her, she'd turn and run!

Daddy tried very hard to get Alyssa into the water:
The beach was gorgeous and the water was beautiful. Most
mornings we'd even see dolphins swimming.
We weren't able to get pictures of them though.

Here's a horseshoe crab we found:

Alyssa wasn't too interested in building sand castles. She
sure did like digging ponds and filling them with water though!
Then the water would come rushing up and
crash our pond!!

Alyssa loved the swimming pool. She'd wear her life jacket and
then swim around like a fish. She even got brave enough
to stand on the side of the pool and jump in to us.

The pool definitely wore the girl out!

Here's our happy family:
Dad, Alyssa, Mom and baby on the way!

Here's all of us:
It was a fabulous vacation! I can't wait till next year!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Got to see new Baby Monahan today!

Today we went for our ultrasound and now have
a few pics of Baby Monahan. It was really
fun! Alyssa was amazed and then asked if she could
tell the lady "Not to squish the baby!". It was
really sweet. The technician told us the little baby was very
very active. It kept sticking it's legs up in the air and
we even saw him/her poke himself in the face. We
are not going to find out if it's a boy or girl till he/she decides
to make their debut!

These are a few of our favorite pics. Right now everything
looks really good and baby appears to be healthy and happy,
although very wiggly! Alyssa was very happy to see the baby.
Afterwards we went to Babies R Us for her to pick something out
since she loves the idea of being a BIG SISTER.
She picked out a couple binkies... One was pink so
we'll see if we keep that our have to exchange!

Monday, March 31, 2008

This past Saturday, my friend Emily asked me if I wanted
to ride her horse at her horse show. I was very
excited! Here I am at home getting ready.Like my pouty face?

I was so excited to finally get on the horse!

I blew a kiss and waved to everyone.
This is one of mom's favorite pictures:

I was so cute, I won 1st place!
Actually, all the kids got 1st place, but mom says I
was definitely the cutest one there!
I loved waking up Easter morning!
The Easter bunny left me lots of eggs to find!
The Easter bunny even visited Aunt Diane's
house. He left eggs hidden in funny places!

At the beginning of Feb, we had lots of snow. My friends
Erica and Travis came over and took me sledding down
our hill in the back yard:

Travis had to push us down the hill because we couldn't go!
Then we made snowballs:
Travis tackled Erica:
Then I tackled Daddy!!!