
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers


Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Alyssa loves to change her clothes...

This child would wear anything if we let her!
However she is a BIG helper!

and cleans up her messes...

Smiles from Brady

I've been capturing some smiles from Brady
on my phone. He is just too cute!

Alyssa at soccer

We enrolled Alyssa in soccer again. Luckily it's
not a parent & me program this time.
She's kind of a shrimp...
They start with stretching:
She runs pretty quickly, but makes time
to smile at the camera.
Or she may just stop to watch others run:
And they do drills with the soccer ball. Not quite
sure what this is supposed to teach them:

Friday, November 21, 2008

New Pics of Alyssa

Alyssa found a furry friend and brought it inside
to show me...

She thought he was quite cute and named
him "Frekkie". (not sure where she got that from)
For Halloween she was the cutest kitty cat and gave
us a few poses:

Even with some attitude!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

New pictures!!

Just adorable!!!

This is how Brady was sleeping right after we came home from the
hospital. Cute, sweet and calm. After about a week, the spit up was constant
and the arms went flying. So now Brady sleeps in a swing all swaddled up each night.

Brady was baptized on 11/2. As you can see, he was not thrilled
with the experience! Granted, the water was not as warm as
it was supposed to be.