
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers


Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, April 28, 2008

Got to see new Baby Monahan today!

Today we went for our ultrasound and now have
a few pics of Baby Monahan. It was really
fun! Alyssa was amazed and then asked if she could
tell the lady "Not to squish the baby!". It was
really sweet. The technician told us the little baby was very
very active. It kept sticking it's legs up in the air and
we even saw him/her poke himself in the face. We
are not going to find out if it's a boy or girl till he/she decides
to make their debut!

These are a few of our favorite pics. Right now everything
looks really good and baby appears to be healthy and happy,
although very wiggly! Alyssa was very happy to see the baby.
Afterwards we went to Babies R Us for her to pick something out
since she loves the idea of being a BIG SISTER.
She picked out a couple binkies... One was pink so
we'll see if we keep that our have to exchange!