
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers


Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, May 1, 2009

My cute kids!!

I did not realize this one was sideways...

One of my new favorites:

I love Lys's new hair cut. It's so much easier
to take care of!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Here we are getting ready for Alyssa's first
soccer game. She was NOT happy about wearing orange!

This is really the only time she kicks the ball. Or, she may kick it
when there's a corner kick. She hasn't quite found the aggressive in her yet.

Here is what she did most of the first game... just shrug her shoulders
and smile at us!

Here's a picture of her and her team... she is the smallest on
her team (imagine that!) so perhaps that's why she's a bit reserved.Brady is a trooper!!!
Brady is just such a happy baby!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Alyssa and Brady

I think I'd upload all of our pictures if I could!
Brady got the jumper for Christmas. He likes
it, although he's still a bit small for it.

Here's our cute baby sucking his thumb.
You can see some of his chicken pox.

Brady got Tigger for Christmas and he loves him!

I put a cute little braid in Alyssa's hair before school
one day. Well, she was in the bathroom for a really long time
and finally came out with about 8 barrettes in her hair! Nice, huh?

Tummy time! We have to learn to roll over...

New pictures...

It's been quite the whirlwind at the Monahan's. Brady had surgery on
New Year's Eve, was diagnosed with RSV, recovered and then ended up
with chicken pox. We believe we are happy and healthy now!

Alyssa is taking dance lessons. She is so funny! She dressed
up for us one even and Jim played some music for her.

Brady has really become a wonderful baby. He loves
to suck on his thumb and smiles all the time. It's been
a lot of fun since Brady hit that 3 month mark.

He sleeps all swaddled and cuddly:

However, he's still in a swing!
Brady loves his daddy!